Har du barn mellom 0 og 12 år?

Learn Norwegian

Learn Norwegian

Do you or someone you know need to learn Norwegian? Then you can join a Norwegian course at International school in Fosnavåg.

Who can start?

Are you a foreigner aged between 16 and 67 and cannot speak Norwegian or need to improve your Norwegian, you can contact International school.

At what level do you want to start?

We have courses for alphabetizing, beginners (A1), second level (A2) and third level (B1).

When do we have Norwegian classes?

We have classes in the mornings from 8.30 till 12.00. We usually also have classes one evening a week from 17.30 till 20.00.

Do you have to take an exam?

You can have an exam on the level you want. We arrange exams three times a year. Working immigrants can take an exam if they want to. Refugees and married to Norwegians have to take an exam.

What exams do we arrange?

- Norwegian oral and written (digital) on the levels A1, A2, B1 and B2

- Social studies in your own language

- Test for Norwegian citizenship 

How do you apply for a course?

You can contact the headmaster Lilly Arlen Larsen phone 93221131, on email: kvalifiseringsenteret. skule@heroy.kommune.no 

When can you start school?

We answer you immediately, and you can start as soon as there is a vacant place for you in a group at your level.

